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Skin: Learning Resource by Film Education

An Exercise in Creative Writing

You can try to enrich your description by finding out more about your skin – it is pretty miraculous stuff.  A source of all sorts of useful vocabulary is the Wikipedia site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skin

Plunder the entry for facts and terminology that might enrich your thoughts about skin in general  and your skin in particular.  Reading of the miracle that is skin – its capacity to protect us, provide us with sensation, to regulate our temperature, prevent us getting into boiling water or holding onto hot objects; it can betray our feelings and register our state of health – our allergies too.  In the light of all this it is hard not to be doubly demoralized at the stupidity and prejudice that can see in skin only its colour.  Isn’t it amazing that when we jump into a swimming pool we don’t dissolve.  It’s largely down to our skin that we don’t suffer that fate.  Skin defines fundamentally where we end and the world begins. It's one of the reasons why stickiness can be unpleasant.


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