George Lucas on Red Tails
0001 00:00:07:14 00:00:10:15
I'm not a flyer, but I love fast things.
0002 00:00:12:06 00:00:13:21
I'm shaking him!
0003 00:00:13:23 00:00:16:04
This project came about
from a friend of mine
0004 00:00:16:06 00:00:19:02
who was a photographer
who shot for the air force.
0005 00:00:19:04 00:00:21:04
He told me about
the story of the Red Tails.
0006 00:00:21:06 00:00:23:19
I said, "Wow, that's a really good idea
for a movie."
0007 00:00:24:22 00:00:26:03
0008 00:00:26:05 00:00:29:00
We've made it all the way
from Tuskegee here to Romatelli.
0009 00:00:29:02 00:00:32:23
(Lucas) I started on this 20 years ago
and I just stuck with it.
0010 00:00:33:00 00:00:35:12
It's been a project
that I really wanted to do.
0011 00:00:36:11 00:00:39:03
I never even met a girl
as beautiful as this plane.
0012 00:00:39:05 00:00:42:11
I love P-51s. When I was young,
that was the hottest airplane.
0013 00:00:42:23 00:00:46:02
I can't believe somebody was 19,
flying these things,
0014 00:00:46:04 00:00:49:11
and then going into battle.
It's pretty stunning and amazing.
0015 00:00:49:13 00:00:51:16
- Junior, get out of there!
- Where is he?
0016 00:00:51:18 00:00:53:11
I can't see him. (screams)
0017 00:00:53:13 00:00:56:04
Being able to bring this to reality,
0018 00:00:56:06 00:00:58:19
being able to actually stand there
with the P-51s,
0019 00:00:58:21 00:01:02:20
with the replication of Romatelli,
it's the most exciting thing you can do.
0020 00:01:05:19 00:01:07:11
With digital technology now,
0021 00:01:07:13 00:01:10:01
we can do a real dogfight,
the way it should be done.
0022 00:01:10:17 00:01:12:10
Come on, man, take him out!
0023 00:01:12:12 00:01:15:05
(Lucas) You can follow it
and make it dramatic.
0024 00:01:19:02 00:01:20:08
Alright, you got him.
0025 00:01:20:10 00:01:21:16
Oh, thank you, Lord!
0026 00:01:21:18 00:01:23:24
The struggle for African-Americans
0027 00:01:24:01 00:01:25:10
to fight during World War II
0028 00:01:25:12 00:01:28:05
is part of the story;
you can't tell the story without it.
0029 00:01:28:07 00:01:30:15
We have a right
to fight for our country,
0030 00:01:30:17 00:01:32:20
the same as every other American.
0031 00:01:32:22 00:01:34:23
(Lucas) I wanted something
more personal,
0032 00:01:35:00 00:01:37:24
about the individual pilots
and what they went through.
0033 00:01:38:01 00:01:39:08
The guys that loved to fly.
0034 00:01:40:24 00:01:44:21
A lot of people wanted to be involved
in this project. We were really lucky.
0035 00:01:44:23 00:01:46:15
- You kept your word.
- How you doing?
0036 00:01:46:17 00:01:47:19
Turned out nice.
0037 00:01:47:21 00:01:49:23
(Lucas) We got a great, fantastic cast.
0038 00:01:50:00 00:01:51:15
I was a big fan of The Wire.
0039 00:01:51:17 00:01:54:11
That's really how I decided
to hire Anthony.
0040 00:01:54:13 00:01:57:06
I've done my 20 years.
I'm handing the ball to you.
0041 00:01:57:08 00:01:58:10
Aye aye, sir.
0042 00:01:58:12 00:02:01:21
(Lucas) Anthony hired a lot of
the kids that were in The Wire
0043 00:02:01:23 00:02:03:24
and that whole little world.
0044 00:02:04:01 00:02:06:12
Rick McCallum and I
worked together for years.
0045 00:02:06:14 00:02:09:21
Charles Johnstone has also been working
on this project for 20 years.
0046 00:02:10:10 00:02:13:07
- I love just walking around.
- So walk me around.
0047 00:02:13:09 00:02:15:19
(Lucas) We had meetings
with the Tuskegee airmen
0048 00:02:15:21 00:02:18:01
to make everything
as accurate as possible.
0049 00:02:18:03 00:02:20:17
- These guys look pretty good.
- (laughs)
0050 00:02:20:19 00:02:22:13
We had a lot of sessions.
0051 00:02:22:15 00:02:25:12
We brought all the Tuskegee airmen
and the cast together.
0052 00:02:25:14 00:02:29:06
They had these weekends and they'd talk
to each other and tell stories
0053 00:02:29:08 00:02:32:12
so that the actors could get into
the real guys, who they are.
0054 00:02:32:14 00:02:36:09
Do you feel the responsibility to be
somebody for kids to look up to?
0055 00:02:36:11 00:02:40:04
We were the local rock stars
of the black community.
0056 00:02:40:06 00:02:44:09
The story of the Tuskegee airmen
is a big story. It's an amazing story.
0057 00:02:48:14 00:02:51:02
Just like Star Wars,
it's a big action picture,
0058 00:02:51:04 00:02:53:04
lots of dogfights, lots of excitement.
0059 00:02:53:06 00:02:57:17
But it's basically about a bunch of kids
that went through an amazing journey
0060 00:02:57:19 00:02:59:14
and all came out heroes.
0061 00:02:59:16 00:03:01:11
- To the last man, we fight!
- We fight.
0062 00:03:01:13 00:03:02:19
- We fight!
- We fight!
0063 00:03:02:21 00:03:06:23
(Lucas) They're the knights
of the contemporary age.
0064 00:03:07:00 00:03:11:08
I'm hoping that this film is
an inspiration to young people today.
David Oyelowo interview
0001 00:00:00:08 00:00:02:11
One more pass.
0002 00:00:05:08 00:00:08:13
(laughs) How do you like that,
Mr Hitler?
0003 00:00:09:06 00:00:11:13
My name is David Oyelowo.
0004 00:00:11:15 00:00:13:07
I play Lightning in Red Tails.
0005 00:00:13:09 00:00:15:20
My character is a bit of an outsider.
0006 00:00:15:22 00:00:18:14
- Where are you?
- Taking the train from the front.
0007 00:00:18:16 00:00:21:22
He sort of swims against the flow.
0008 00:00:22:06 00:00:23:06
0009 00:00:23:21 00:00:25:02
I like a good scrap.
0010 00:00:25:04 00:00:27:21
Not in real life, but on screen.
0011 00:00:28:18 00:00:33:00
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr David Oyelowo!
0012 00:00:34:17 00:00:36:11
Thank you.
0013 00:00:36:13 00:00:40:22
The first three days of this shoot
were mind-blowing.
0014 00:00:40:24 00:00:44:17
It felt more like I was involved
in a space launch
0015 00:00:44:19 00:00:46:06
than actually doing a film.
0016 00:00:46:08 00:00:50:05
When Easy comes to my left,
was I looking in the right places?
0017 00:00:50:07 00:00:52:15
We've been shooting
a lot of the gimbal stuff.
0018 00:00:52:17 00:00:55:07
This is us in planes, the green screen.
0019 00:00:55:09 00:00:57:21
The CGI people are going to drop
0020 00:00:57:23 00:01:00:10
weird and wonderful things
into the background.
0021 00:01:00:12 00:01:02:13
Brand-new 109s.
0022 00:01:04:14 00:01:06:07
0023 00:01:06:09 00:01:08:16
Not-so-brand-new 109s.
0024 00:01:08:18 00:01:12:04
(Oyelowo) George Lucas has done things
no one else has, really.
0025 00:01:12:06 00:01:15:17
If there's anyone you want to be in
charge of that, it would be Lucasfilm.
0026 00:01:15:19 00:01:19:00
This is actually really
for my action figure, isn't it?
0027 00:01:19:02 00:01:21:24
I think every actor has this notion
that one day,
0028 00:01:22:01 00:01:25:19
all they'll need to do is take a picture
of you and you can go home.
0029 00:01:26:13 00:01:28:00
Of course, that's not true,
0030 00:01:28:02 00:01:32:08
but this technology is so outside
of my comprehension,
0031 00:01:32:10 00:01:35:24
seeing the film is going to be as
exciting for those of us who did it
0032 00:01:36:01 00:01:37:14
as it will be for the audience.
0033 00:01:40:19 00:01:43:03
We went up in some P-51 Mustangs.
0034 00:01:43:05 00:01:46:17
- Are you ready for this experience?
- No. But I'm going to do it anyway.
0035 00:01:46:19 00:01:49:08
It's all about not throwing up.
0036 00:01:49:10 00:01:52:00
The speed at which these things go
0037 00:01:52:02 00:01:55:11
and the physical ability you need
to fly these things
0038 00:01:55:13 00:01:59:18
let alone doing that while being shot at
is just incredible.
0039 00:01:59:20 00:02:04:04
My respect for just what
we're trying to show is crazy.
0040 00:02:04:06 00:02:05:06
0041 00:02:05:08 00:02:08:20
With the highest and utmost respect,
0042 00:02:08:22 00:02:12:04
Colonel Archer has come here
to lend us his services.
0043 00:02:12:06 00:02:14:05
I'm being you now, you see.
0044 00:02:14:07 00:02:18:16
Meeting actual Red Tails, Lee Archer,
Bill Holloman and Roscoe Brown
0045 00:02:18:18 00:02:21:21
was invaluable
from an authenticity point of view.
0046 00:02:21:23 00:02:26:13
Hi, David. You're the man who flashed
his peepee getting into a jet plane.
0047 00:02:26:15 00:02:28:08
How you going to get out of that?
0048 00:02:29:24 00:02:32:01
(Oyelowo) Roscoe Brown
walked onto the base
0049 00:02:32:03 00:02:36:01
and said, "That's where that was.
That's what that looked like."
0050 00:02:36:03 00:02:38:04
"You guys look a bit like what we did."
0051 00:02:38:06 00:02:40:17
Good replicas. Good replicas.
0052 00:02:40:19 00:02:42:14
(Oyelowo) You can't play a hero.
0053 00:02:42:16 00:02:47:07
In life, it was about a genuine threat
to mankind.
0054 00:02:47:09 00:02:48:21
And they stepped up.
0055 00:02:48:23 00:02:50:02
I'm away!
0056 00:02:50:04 00:02:53:04
Easy, you got Pretty Boy on your tail.
Dive right now! Dive.
The Tuskegee Airmen - part 1
0001 00:00:06:11 00:00:09:24
(man 1) In the air, there's no black
or white or green or whatever.
0002 00:00:10:01 00:00:11:05
You're a pilot.
0003 00:00:11:07 00:00:13:19
(man 2) The country's in trouble.
You work.
0004 00:00:13:21 00:00:15:08
You do what you have to do.
0005 00:00:15:10 00:00:17:12
You can't turn your back
on your own country.
0006 00:00:17:14 00:00:19:21
(man 4) Bombers wanted the Red Tails.
0007 00:00:19:23 00:00:22:10
They felt comfortable
0008 00:00:22:12 00:00:25:06
because they could see
the Red Tails above them.
0009 00:00:25:08 00:00:27:21
(man 5) You take the Negro
and you give him training
0010 00:00:27:23 00:00:29:06
and an opportunity
0011 00:00:29:08 00:00:31:09
to exercise that training,
0012 00:00:31:11 00:00:33:16
they will do extraordinary things.
The Tuskegee Airmen - part 2
0001 00:00:06:21 00:00:10:23
(man 1) The 99th came eyeball to eyeball
in air-to-air combat
0002 00:00:11:00 00:00:13:08
with the German Luftwaffe.
0003 00:00:13:10 00:00:15:23
Bombers would be here.
We'd be above the bombers
0004 00:00:16:00 00:00:19:12
to provide sort of a net against
the German planes coming down.
0005 00:00:19:14 00:00:22:13
(man 3) We said we'd better get
a real name and identification
0006 00:00:22:15 00:00:26:21
so that the bombers and the Germans
would know when we were on a mission.
0007 00:00:26:23 00:00:28:16
It was decided jointly
0008 00:00:28:18 00:00:33:17
that we would paint the tails red,
and we became known as the Red Tails.