Taking the train
Er, Easy, I see something.
It's a train! 11 o'clock.
0002 00:00:06:14 00:00:07:20
Let's go get it.
0003 00:00:10:23 00:00:15:14
Wait. Easy, we got to take it head on,
low, so their guns can't hit us.
0004 00:00:15:16 00:00:19:18
It's my decision, Lightning.
Stay in formation.
0005 00:00:25:15 00:00:27:14
Stay in front of it!
0006 00:00:28:18 00:00:30:04
Die, you Nazi dogs!
0007 00:00:38:04 00:00:39:07
Where's Lightning?
0008 00:00:39:09 00:00:40:17
Where are you, Lightning?
0009 00:00:40:19 00:00:43:18
Taking the train from the front,
like you should have done.
0010 00:00:48:08 00:00:49:12
Come on. Come on.
0011 00:00:52:11 00:00:53:17
0012 00:00:59:20 00:01:00:20
0013 00:01:03:16 00:01:05:10
Whoo! (laughs)
0014 00:01:05:12 00:01:07:20
Nothing like a good ol'
Georgia ass-whupping.
Fighter pilots
That old Lightning
don't never have his brakes on.
0003 00:00:05:13 00:00:09:23
- Questions, gentlemen.
- Does it really matter, sir?
0004 00:00:10:19 00:00:12:06
- Lights up.
- Here we go.
0005 00:00:13:23 00:00:15:15
What was your question?
0006 00:00:16:13 00:00:19:16
What we do, how well we do it,
does it matter?
0007 00:00:19:18 00:00:21:01
(man) Oh, man!
0008 00:00:21:03 00:00:23:01
And you all thought what?
0009 00:00:23:19 00:00:25:03
You'd sign up.
0010 00:00:25:05 00:00:27:09
You'd get shiny boots, a uniform,
0011 00:00:27:11 00:00:29:14
and that'd be the end
of 100 years of bigotry?
0012 00:00:29:16 00:00:31:23
You're coloured men
in a white man's army.
0013 00:00:32:00 00:00:35:05
It's a miracle
you're flying fighters in Italy,
0014 00:00:35:07 00:00:38:00
and not mopping latrines in Milwaukee!
0015 00:00:38:13 00:00:43:12
Any of you feel otherwise,
any of you want to wash yourselves out,
0016 00:00:44:06 00:00:48:02
well, Negro, please do so, and I'll have
you on the next thing smoking back home
0017 00:00:48:04 00:00:51:00
to make room for the men
who want to stand and fight.
0018 00:00:54:07 00:00:56:05
Get your head up, son.
0019 00:00:58:02 00:00:59:20
You're fighter pilots.
0020 00:01:03:18 00:01:05:17
Watch the rest of the film.
0021 00:01:06:06 00:01:08:00
Learn something.
Keep your eyes peeled
Keep your eyes peeled for the Jerries.
0002 00:00:18:24 00:00:20:10
Bogeys inbound, 12 o'clock.
0003 00:00:20:12 00:00:22:02
They're closing in mighty fast!
0004 00:00:25:16 00:00:26:19
0005 00:00:28:06 00:00:31:23
- I'm shaking them! There's two more!
- Yes. They're cutting left!
0006 00:00:32:16 00:00:35:00
It's looking good.
0007 00:00:35:02 00:00:37:16
- I'm feeling good now!
- Keep the beachhead clear.
0008 00:00:37:18 00:00:39:09
It's clear.
0009 00:00:39:11 00:00:41:10
Straighten up over there, Junior.
0010 00:00:42:14 00:00:45:20
- Let's go, Lightning. I'm on one.
- I'm behind you. Break right!
0011 00:00:50:17 00:00:52:05
Come on, slip just a little.
0012 00:00:59:15 00:01:01:03
0013 00:01:01:05 00:01:02:18
Congratulations, Captain.
0014 00:01:02:20 00:01:07:08
You are the first Negro
to shoot down a Jerry! Whoo! (laughs)
Let us fly
When we came
under your command, Colonel,
0002 00:00:06:04 00:00:09:12
you stated very clearly
that we would never find Negroes
0003 00:00:09:14 00:00:11:24
who could pass a pilot's exam,
0004 00:00:12:01 00:00:14:19
make it through flight school,
survive basic combat.
0005 00:00:14:21 00:00:17:16
A combat record which, to this point...
0006 00:00:17:18 00:00:19:07
We've done all of that.
0007 00:00:19:09 00:00:23:21
To this point, I don't believe your boys
have scored a single aerial kill.
0008 00:00:23:23 00:00:27:13
Because you have not assigned us
a single forward mission.
0009 00:00:27:15 00:00:31:09
It's damn hard to shoot down the enemy
100 miles behind the front lines.
0010 00:00:32:01 00:00:34:18
We're given hand-me-down planes.
0011 00:00:34:20 00:00:38:03
Ordered to attack targets
that have already been bypassed.
0012 00:00:38:05 00:00:41:23
Fly patrols where the enemy
hasn't been seen for months.
0013 00:00:42:00 00:00:45:22
Now we've done every lowdown, dirty job
you've handed us,
0014 00:00:45:24 00:00:49:09
hoping that we would just limp along
and go away.
0015 00:00:49:11 00:00:51:17
We will not go away.
0016 00:00:52:14 00:00:55:01
We have a right
to fight for our country,
0017 00:00:55:03 00:00:57:02
the same as every other American.
0018 00:00:57:04 00:01:01:12
So you shut us down or you let us fly.
Change up the strategy
The American pilots flying escort now
go for every kill they can score.
0002 00:00:06:09 00:00:09:24
That's how they were trained.
That's how they fight.
0003 00:00:11:03 00:00:14:01
Here's how we change up the strategy.
Lights up.
0004 00:00:15:11 00:00:20:02
At all costs, under every circumstance,
you protect the heavies.
0005 00:00:20:04 00:00:21:19
0006 00:00:22:21 00:00:26:03
We signed up to shoot Germans,
not baby-sit planes.
0007 00:00:26:05 00:00:29:02
You signed up to follow orders.
0008 00:00:29:18 00:00:32:03
One bomber, that's ten men.
0009 00:00:32:05 00:00:36:22
You getting one Jerry
so you can put a cross on your plane,
0010 00:00:36:24 00:00:39:11
that doesn't balance that.
0011 00:00:39:13 00:00:41:12
We count our victories
0012 00:00:41:14 00:00:44:24
by the bombers we get to their targets.
0013 00:00:45:01 00:00:49:00
By the husbands
we return to their wives.
0014 00:00:49:02 00:00:52:07
By the fathers
we get back to their children.
0015 00:00:52:09 00:00:56:16
What has not changed,
what will never change,
0016 00:00:56:18 00:01:00:16
from the last plane, to the last bullet,
to the last minute,
0017 00:01:00:18 00:01:03:13
to the last man, we fight.
0018 00:01:03:15 00:01:04:23
We fight!
0019 00:01:05:00 00:01:06:05
Yes, sir!