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Skin: Learning Resource by Film Education

All of the preceding sites prepare the ground for you to tackle the amazing DNA From the Beginning site at:  http://www.dnaftb.org/dnaftb/.

Here is cached a series of 41 separate multi-media explorations of the history of genetics from Mendel to the present day.  Each section illuminates a basic concept – more or less in chronological order, although the story does start to jump about a bit as people return to re-examine previous work or use the techniques uncovered by earlier scientists.  The concepts are often quite hard to grasp but all becomes much clearer as you work though the supporting animations and audio-visual files.  Try it out for yourself.  The resources take you though three distinct phases: 

It is on this site too that you will meet the many scientists involved in the genetic adventure and each stage of the story also features an image bank, which you could dip into for pictures to illustrate your work. 

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