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Oliver Twist

Script to Screen

Script to screen graphic - shooting the workhouse scene

Choose from one of the following scenes (you can do all of it or a small part) then make a storyboard from the script:

Scene text PDF

Scene storyboard PDF

You should think about how you will communicate a sense of the status of various characters and also the time period in which the film is set. You must include the camera angle, movement and position. Compare your ideas to the sequences from Oliver Twist (Polanski:2005).

Remember there is not a 'right' way to adapt a novel or other source material. The way you do this will depend on the various choices and experiences that you make and bring to the text.

Look at the script below consider how many characters there are, their actions, the dialogue and their movements, what sort of mood is developed, is it tense, sad etc. How will you communicate this to your audience? This is exactly the same information that the director and storyboard artists would have used to create what we see on screen. You will need to read the script carefully to pick up the information that you want to use to when you construct the storyboard.

*This process relies to an extent on the way that small groups or individuals represent others. Think about your choices, for example have you dressed characters in a stereotypical way?

See Also

Mise en Scene
Make A Poster


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