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Made in Dagenham

Case study - Deborah Sheppard


Watch the following interview with Paramount UK's Marketing Director, Deborah Sheppard. Stop the film after each section in order to answer the relevant questions.

Publicity and Promotion

  • What do you understand to be the difference between publicity and promotion?
  • As described in the clip, promotional brands often have an association to the film in some way. Can you think of any existing consumer brands that could be used to promote Made in Dagenham?

Target Audience

  • The film is described as having a 'natural' target audience of older females (aged 35 plus). Explain why you think this might be.
  • She talks about driving Made in Dagenham towards a younger audience. Do you think this is achieved in the publicity material that you can see? Would you go and see the film? Why?


  • What do you understand by the phrase 'Unique Selling Point'?
  • Deborah Sheppard describes Made in Dagenham’s USP as being a "feel-good British movie". Why would this be described as a 'selling point'?
  • The quote "a mouse that roared" sums up what the story is about. What do you think this means? Why would this be a Unique Selling Point?

Release and Exhibition

  • Why is a film’s release date important?
  • Deborah Sheppard talks about how the release of Made in Dagenham was planned to coincide with the award season. Can you think of any other significant times of year certain types of film may be released?
  • In what ways might recognition during award season be of benefit to the British film industry as a whole?
  • How do distributors ensure a film is a box office success?