Trailer transcript
(Sounds of bells; gulls; chains)
MAGWITCH: Hold your noise, hold your noise you little devil or I’ll cut your throat! Tell us yer name, quick!
PIP: Pip!
MAGWITCH: Once more, give it mouth!
PIP: Pip!
ESTELLA: Do you wish to see Miss Havisham?
MISS HAVISHAM: Let me look at you. Come closer!
MISS HAVISHAM: What do you think of her?
PIP: I think she’s very pretty
MISS HAVISHAM: You could break his heart!
JAGGERS: It is the desire of the benefactor that he be brought up as a gentleman in London
(Glasses smashing)
PIP: What do you think?
JAGGERS: There are conditions of course – the first is that the name of the benefactor remain a profound secret. The second thing, that you always retain the name
He has come into a handsome fortune and he has great expectations
ESTELLA: You must know I have no heart
PIP: I don’t believe it
ESTELLA: I have been made that way
MISS HAVISHAM: If she wounds you, love her if she fails you, love her. If she tears your heart to pieces, love her – love her, love!
PIP: How can you give your affections to that man – the looks and smiles you never give to me?
ESTELLA: Do you want me to deceive you?
PIP: Do you deceive him?
ESTELLA: Yes! All men but you.
PIP: You risked your life to come to me!
JAGGERS: If he’s found he will hang
MAGWITCH: I was sent for life. It is death to come back
PIP: I have loved you since I first saw you in this house
ESTELLA: But it touches nothing, here
PIP: It’s not natural!
ESTELLA: It is natural in me!
PIP: Yet still I love you
JAGGERS: You believed what you chose to believe
PIP: Was that kind?
MISS HAVISHAM: Who am I to be kind!
PIP: Estella? Come with me now
(Music builds)
(Cannon fires)
MISS HAVISHAM: I stole her heart away and put ice in its place
PIP: You’re in every thought. You’re part of my existence, part of me
Clip 2: Pip & Magwitch
PIP: Who are you?
MAGWITCH: Wait, wait wait – shhh shhh, wait…
PIP: How did you get in here…? (Long pause) Good god! What are you…
MAGWITCH: You acted noble, my boy – noble and I’ve never forgot it!
PIP: Look if you’re grateful for what I did (glass smashes) as a boy it’s not necessary. Really! You must understand…
MAGWITCH: What must I understand?
PIP: That I cannot renew our acquaintance, that my life has changed since then. I am glad that you’re well and you’ve repented but really you must go. Please?
MAGWITCH: How about a drink first, before I go?
Clip 3: Pip & Estella
ESTELLA: Give me your hand (pause). Be happy, Pip. This will pass in time. I’ll be out of your thoughts in a week!
PIP: Out of my thoughts? You’re in every thought! You’re part of my existence, you’re part of me – you’re in every thought, in every line I’ve ever read since I first came here. You’re in the river, the sails of ships, the sea, the clouds – the stones of London. Until the last hours of my life you will remain in me – part of the little good, part of the evil – and I will always think of the good.
(Music builds)
PIP: Goodbye, God bless you!