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The Princess and the Frog


MICHAEL-LEON WOOLEY: Louis is a lot like me in terms of... Louis' character, he wants to play jazz, his dream is to play jazz on a riverboat, you know, but he's scared that people will be scared of him and he'll never be able to do it. And, he wants to be human so he can play with the jazz bands like the ones he sees and actually I feel a lot like that because I'm a big guy, you know, I'm 6'5", and it took me a long time to come to terms with my size and the fact that I'm just fine being 6'5” you know, and it's a good thing as Louis learns, you know. At the end of this movie, he can be an alligator and he can play with these jazz bands and people will love him and I guess the biggest lesson that Louis learns is that you don't get what you want but you get what you need and I think that's a big theme of this movie.

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